Make your own Sales Battle card

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As a sales professional, you know that having the right tools and resources can make all the difference in closing a deal. One of the most valuable tools in your arsenal is a sales battle card. But what exactly is a sales battle card, and how do you create one that will help you achieve sales success?

In this article, we’ll dive with a step-by-step guide on how to create one battle card for your team.

What is a Sales Battle Card?

A sales battle card is a concise, one-page document that provides sales reps with key information about your product or service, your target audience, and your competitors. It is designed to help sales reps quickly and effectively communicate the value of your offering and overcome objections during a sales call.

Think of it as a cheat sheet for your sales team. It contains all the essential information they need to know to successfully sell your product or service.

Why Are Sales Battle Cards Important?

Sales battle cards are crucial for sales effectiveness and success for several reasons:

  • Consistent messaging: With a sales battle card, all members of your sales team will have access to the same messaging and information. This ensures that your brand’s message is consistent across all sales interactions.
  • Efficiency: A sales battle card provides sales reps with all the necessary information in one place, saving them time and effort in researching and preparing for a sales call.
  • Overcoming objections: By including information about your competitors and their weaknesses, a sales battle card can help sales reps overcome objections and position your product or service as the best choice.
  • Onboarding and training: A sales battle card is a valuable tool for onboarding new sales reps and providing ongoing training for the entire team.

How to Create a Sales Battle Card

Now that you understand the importance of a sales battle card, let’s dive into the steps for creating one.

Step 1: Identify Your Target Audience

The first step in creating a sales battle card is to identify your target audience. Who are you selling to? What are their pain points and challenges? What are their goals and objectives?

Understanding your target audience is crucial in creating a sales battle card that resonates with them and addresses their specific needs.

Step 2: Define Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Your unique selling proposition (USP) is what sets your product or service apart from your competitors. It is the reason why a customer should choose your offering over others in the market.

When creating a sales battle card, it’s essential to clearly define your USP and communicate it effectively to your sales team. This will help them position your product or service as the best choice for potential customers.

Step 3: Research Your Competitors

To create an effective sales battle card, you need to have a thorough understanding of your competitors. Research their products or services, their strengths and weaknesses, and their pricing strategies.

This information will help you position your product or service as the best choice and equip your sales team with the knowledge they need to overcome objections and close deals.

Step 4: Gather Key Information

Now that you have a clear understanding of your target audience, USP, and competitors, it’s time to gather all the key information that will go into your sales battle card.

This information may include:

  • Product or service features and benefits: List out the key features and benefits of your offering and how they address your target audience’s pain points.
  • Pricing information: Include pricing options and any discounts or promotions that may be available.
  • Competitor information: Summarize the key information you gathered in the previous step about your competitors.
  • Objection handling: Anticipate common objections that your sales team may encounter and provide them with strategies for overcoming them.
  • Testimonials or case studies: Include any customer testimonials or case studies that demonstrate the success of your product or service.

Step 5: Design Your Sales Battle Card

The design of your sales battle card is just as important as the information it contains. A well-designed battle card will be visually appealing and easy to read, making it more likely that your sales team will use it.

Consider using your brand’s colors and fonts to create a cohesive look. Use bullet points and headings to break up the information and make it easier to digest.

Step 6: Test and Refine

Once you have created your sales battle card, it’s essential to test it with your sales team and gather feedback. Ask them if they find the information useful and if there is anything missing that they would like to see included.

Based on their feedback, refine and update your sales battle card as needed. It’s important to regularly review and update your battle card to ensure it remains relevant and effective.

Tips for Creating an Effective Sales Battle Card

  • Keep it concise: A sales battle card should be no more than one page. Keep the information concise and to the point.
  • Use visuals: Visuals can help break up the text and make the battle card more visually appealing. Consider using charts, graphs, or images to illustrate key points.
  • Update regularly: As mentioned earlier, it’s important to regularly review and update your sales battle card to ensure it remains relevant and effective.
  • Make it accessible: Your sales battle card should be easily accessible to your sales team. Consider using a shared drive or a sales enablement platform to ensure everyone has access to the most up-to-date version.

Ready to talk to an expert?

Real-World Examples of Sales Battle Cards

To give you a better idea of what a sales battle card looks like in practice, here are a few real-world examples:

  • Salesforce: Salesforce has a comprehensive sales battle card that includes information about their target audience, key features and benefits, and competitor information.
  • HubSpot: HubSpot’s sales battle card is visually appealing and includes information about their target audience, pricing, and competitor information.
  • Google: Google’s sales battle card is simple and concise, with a focus on their unique selling proposition and key features.


A sales battle card is a valuable tool for any sales team. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create an effective sales battle card that will help your team achieve sales success.

Remember to regularly review and update your battle card to ensure it remains relevant and effective. With the right information and design, your sales battle card can be a powerful tool in your sales arsenal.

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